Let PayrollOrg be the solution to your payroll challenges!
With a PayrollOrg membership, you’ll have the tools, resources, and support to tackle today’s payroll challenges head-on. Gain access to cutting-edge industry standards, stay ahead of global trends, and elevate your career with the guidance
of the premier organization for payroll professionals.
Membership in PayrollOrg costs $305 per year, plus a $35 enrollment fee for new members or memberships inactive for over 90 days. Prepare your career for the payroll of tomorrow for less than a dollar a day!

The latest payroll compliance news and updates
Get exclusive news and insights from our team of experts through Payroll Currently, the monthly compliance
newsletter; access to forms and publications in the Resource Library; breaking payroll news in Compliance Updates and the Pay News Now electronic digest, delivered to
your inbox and posted online; and the monthly compliance video, Compliance TV and monthly podcast, PayTalk.

Three RCHs
All FPC and CPP certified PayrollOrg members are granted three Recertification Credit Hours (RCHs) per completed membership year for being a member in good standing.

Network with other payroll professionals
Members have the power to connect with over 30,000 of your payroll peers worldwide through our easy-to-use online membership directory, by joining one of our numerous volunteer member
committees and task forces, and by visiting our private social network, The Payroll Community.

Your tough payroll questions answered
Ask questions of member volunteers using Ask an Expert or connect directly with payroll leaders around the world for hands-on help in
the Open Forum of The Payroll Community.

PayTalk Podcast
Hear from global industry leaders in the monthly podcast, PayTalk, where you can listen to the professionals behind the payroll processes as they help to uncover
the insights needed to unlock the next stage in your career.

Career Advancement
Here you'll find resources for creating a winning resume, acing the job interview, and more. Plus, there is a wealth
of content devoted to helping you effectively manage and develop your payroll staff. Sponsored exclusively by Robert Half.

Volunteer Opportunities
Members can engage with PayrollOrg by joining a committee and utilizing their knowledge and skills. Additionally, they can volunteer for PayrollOrg’s Money Matters program, which focuses on teaching teens to understand their paychecks and develop money management skills.

Get great discounts
Members receive significant discounts on all payroll training classes, conferences, webinars, web-based programs, online training, and publications.

The latest payroll information
Members get access to PAYTECH magazine, the industry's primary source for payroll information (View Sample Issue).

Job Board
A comprehensive listing of accounting, finance, HR, and related employment opportunities. View the Job Board.

Representation in Washington, D.C.
We work to influence the legislative and regulatory processes impacting the payroll process to make your job easier.
Convince Your Boss – You’re convinced that you should join PayrollOrg, and we really want you to; now it’s time to convince your boss! Customize this letter to convince your boss to approve your membership in PayrollOrg.
Refer a Colleague – Know someone that would benefit from membership in PayrollOrg? Click here to help your colleague be part of the future of payroll!